Nokia E63 - Move on a map

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Move on a map

The map coverage varies by country and region.
When you open Maps, the capital of the country you are in or

the location that was saved from your last session is shown.

The map of the location is also downloaded, if needed.
To zoom in to your GPS position or your last known location,

press the function key and 0.
When the GPS connection is active,

shows your current

location on the map.
To move on the map, scroll up, down, left, or right with the

scroll key. The map is oriented towards north by default.
To zoom in and out on the map, press the function key and

*, or the function key and #.

When you browse the map on the display, a new map is

automatically downloaded if you scroll to an area which is

not covered by maps already downloaded. These maps are

free of charge, but downloading may involve the

transmission of large amounts of data through your service

provider's network. For more information on data

transmission charges, contact your service provider. The

maps are automatically saved in the device memory or on a

compatible memory card (if inserted).